Drought Reveals Ancient Henges and Ruins in Europe

The drought in Europe has revealed an enormous amount of ancient ruins and henges across the UK and Ireland. Astonishing that these foundations and structures were undiscovered all these years. What does this tell us about our past that we have not discovered or forgotten?




Drought Reveals Ancient Henges and Ruins in Europe


The media has been focusing an enormous amount on one area of heat in the entire northern hemisphere.



What's really interesting is this drought, they call it Europeans blistering heat wave with parched yellow fields. This happens every summer, there's always a drought going on in the summer that affects crop production, but this year is exceptional.



The headline reads Europe battles one of the most intense heat waves in history, yeah I wonder which number this would be down the line in terms of intensity if we go back 8000 years or more.



It's surely not it’s #1 because the Dust Bowl era was more intense.




Old foundations are starting to emerge out of the fields, grass fires in some areas, droughts in others. They are finding a hodgepodge of ruins suddenly appearing out of nowhere, but they only seem to be visible from low-flying aircraft.



A few examples here that are popping up in the countryside. There's one in the grasslands of Llyn peninsula, now what they're calling these things are crop marks, ancient sites.


It's incredibly interesting even though they're farming in these fields that these structures have not been discovered. Foundations are quite visible but these are the first times they're being discovered.


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