Climate Change Global Temperatures Plummet as BOM Australia Hides Away Data Capture

New record cold temperature set in Goulburn Airport in Australia, @ -10.4C which broke the all time record, but magically the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) changed it to -10.0C so the old record was not broken. Confronted by Jo Nova and Jennifer Marohasy the BOM acknowledged the "error" and left the entry blank. They didn't update until the blogosphere erupted. What then came to light was the the BOM was entering high "low temperature values" so even if a new record was broken it didn't register past a certain point on the lows, but the highs are set unlimited. So there is an obvious agenda of temperature manipulation. Setting code so record lows don't fit the histogram and register as record lows. That's pure fraud, then the handling of the affair after it came to the public awareness was unprofessional to say the least. You are being tricked with computer programs to dis-allow record cold so we are not getting the full picture of temperatures in Australia.

Climate Change Global Temperatures Plummet as BOM Australia Hides Away Data Capture

Climate Change Global Temperatures Plummet as BOM Australia Hides Away Data Capture

 Taking a look at Goulburn Airport this is the location southeast Australia it's known as one of the cooler areas a little bit northwest of Canberra there what happened is they set a new cold record at minus ten point four C breaking all previous records as noted in the raw data picked up at other temperature stations whiteout for you here you can see it 617 with that red asterisk new temperature record broken yet somehow when the daily record weather observations came out this number had been increased to ten point zero which made it not a record-breaking event you can see the orange arrow




 Let's take a look at the whiteout here you're looking for the lowest Sunday the second column down – 10.0 in blue these are incorrect they're adjusting the temperatures the daily weather observations and then once caught red-handed by Joe Nova's original report then Jennifer Morrissey than the entire blogosphere lit up in Australia about this and I love how the VM acknowledged the change but they still have the blank space.





There didn't adjust the temperature they don't want you to think it's cooling it's got to be warm only warm only how much of the Australian news media picked up on a page one record warm oh yeah BOM erases record cold where's that in the headlines didn't see it in The Sydney Morning Herald also Joe Nova disects it really well here what they're doing is they're taking the normal round expected cutoff for our measurement data and programming in a cut-off point so they're setting up limits on the thermometer readings to filter out what they call spurious or anomalous or strange data points so if there's a new record cold that registers  ten point five ten point seven or eleven it will actually be cut off for the histogram


It won't register because they set the lows artificially high yet on the side you can see how much it can increase in to total highs so the highs can be higher but the low as well as those got a cutoff point because we can't show cooling and this is definitely from the mindset this is an agenda right here this is a criminal act they are hiding cold temperature records and I know you can come out and talk to your blue in the face and try to explain it without your technical jargon about how raw data comes in and you get temperature anomalies and this and that they're hiding the data.





 They finally had to acknowledge it and finally had to paste it in but this occurred on the seventh so if you actually go to the website you have to get into the CSV file or going to other data archive files to find it. It's not actually on the front page any longer and also don't know of another good article here the electricity costs train wreck in Australia they've closed destroyed demolished the coal burning power plants all based on the co2 lie now they need to run on wind and solar yet that's so unreliable that what is doing is driving electrical cost to all-time highs.




Let this be a lesson for the rest of the world we got scrubbers and clean burning coal and clean burning natural gas we do not need to close those reliable energy delivery systems down and rely on something that's intermittent at best that's going to drive the price up not only or your food price is going to be rising at the end of the year 20 30 40 percent and then when we get into 2018 it's going to get up double priced wind prices for electricity or going into all-time highs.



Australia is going to get double slammed here that consumer economy and that disposable income that might be spent in the Australian economy is going to get sucked right into this higher electrical costs and higher food costs so look for Australia to be one of the first countries that gets decimated in our economy when the food price rises at the end of the year and into 2018 they're going to show more decline in the economy than almost any other place on the planet so quickly it's going to make your head spin what happened down there this is it hi electricity and high food cost diverting spendable discretionary disposable income out of the real consumer economy which is going to be an enormous amount of businesses go bankrupt and closed down in Australia it's going to be an instant thing almost and what irks me about this whole Climategate Australia.



 Fraud in the weather from the Bureau of Meteorology is its forecast lower solar activity into a grand solar minimum and instead of actually telling the people that we were predicting IPCC models to go warm but you know what let's take a look at the new information these outliers in the cold don't seem to fit with the model so maybe something's changed instead of coming clean and trying to work together with the people in the country they just keep their agenda moving forward not allowing you time to prepare keeping you in the dark about what's – unfold here is the forecast also they keep telling you there's no scientist to degree it's 97 percent co2 warms everything well this new paper out last week has 19 different solar physicists astrophysicists climatologist all on the exact same page compiling their research on solar forcing in the grand solar minimum starting right now.




 This is a forecast going out decline in the different wavelength spectrum nanometer 200 to 400 at the top bar 400 to 700 to Center bar that's generally where we get our plants to grow in that spectrum they need that nanometer there's some that trend up above 700 750 760 on the bottom chart there but you can see that orange line I put is where we are now and we're just going to continue to descend into cooler temperatures and then we will look at TSI we start to see decreases in that as well as the 10 point 7 meter flux which also measures output is Sun and this goes right into the sunspots and Grande solar minimum now we've got so many variables piling on top of each other corroborating evidence that it's starting to have some change on our climate system based on the sun's input.




 Out of the same report the trend for TSI is definitely not increasing and then we look at UAH over dr. Roy Spencer's site so we're up to version 6.0 this is the latest version it's right up there with the latest versions within the last six months of RSS and this is what they're showing only 0.2 one degree increase over the baseline in a satellite era now when we look at the data in a numeral form if you just match up these three month increments April May June from 2016 to April May June 2017 you can see that it's declining and again everybody will come and say whoa well it's after a huge El Nino yeah but the IPCC models were saying we're going to warm into infinity and temperatures are dropping it really comes down to the power in the masses of the people.




How many of you have written to the Bo M how many of you even knew that this was happening in Australia if you're in Australian citizen how did you hear about this before and if you didn't you need to write in the newspapers and ask why this was not a story and then you need to follow up writing to the Bo M or calling them and say hey what happened to the temperature data then you could be held accountable hey need to be pulled into court is what they need to do you know what's happening with Tim ball and Michael Mann now Michael Mann's even refusing to hand over the temperature data that he used to accuse Tim ball on a slander suit so what's happening of Michael Mann's hockey stick he won't even hand over the data to be reviewed so you know there's something wrong there it just takes court and discovery to get these guys out in the open and show the true fraud and manipulation that's going on and I can't state it highly enough it's a time to get prepared and at least understand what's going on so you can protect yourselves and your family.



If they're not even allowing you to have this basic minimal knowledge to show that there's changes going on based on 400 year cycles in the Sun and that in itself is just criminal the agenda for global warming needs to keep pushing forward thanks for watching hope you got something out of the video and those of you listening in Australia it's absolutely your job to hold these people accountable you're a citizen of that nation you have the laws in your favor should be called out they should be put in court they should have to explain why they're reducing these temperatures and you also need to ask yourself how many other times does this happen that didn't get caught or found out.



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Video Link :Climate Change Global Temperatures Plummet as BOM Australia Hides Away Data Capture