June 2017 Crop Losses You Didn’t Hear About

There are so many crop losses happening globally, but the media focuses for less than a millisecond and back on to the next propaganda story. This is a list of losses I have been watching over the last month, Georgia peach crop loss, S.E. USA peach crop loss, fruit losses in USA and Europe, chickpea crop in Canada, frozen corn on the stalks in late June in the Dakotas, frost, hail, wind and drought seem to be the common theme globally this year. Asia and Australia are experiencing losses as well. Watch your food price skyrocket by the end of 2017, and the media will still be asking why instead of covering the effects of the intensifying grand solar minimum.

June 2017 Crop Losses You Didn't Hear about

June 2017 Crop Losses You Didn't Hear About

Just a little recap remember the spring was unusually warm and then those arctic cold fronts rolled down for about six weeks after the fruit trees the flowers had all butted out and it's been a total loss especially for the peaches this is the size of the peaches coming off the trees and to say that's a crop loss disaster it's kind of downplaying the situation.





Yeah sure there's economic losses and they're looking at 80 percent loss of the entire crop but when we look at this source of food and fruit and you can see the effect of the colder weather it has on the yield of a crop imagine what the wheats going to be like in Kansas that was decimated by the blizzard the cold that just froze out the corn crop in North Dakota all those unusually cold temperatures in Canada as well affecting the crops with the drought it's all going to start adding up and it is right now and those droughts and Heilongjiang and China.





Back to the Georgia peaches $20 for peaches are now wholesaling at 35 that's nearly doubling the price now what happens when this does the same with the wheat and the chickpeas at the end of the year along with the barley you know your food prices are going to go straight up and then they quote farmers as saying there's no peaches worth picking and you just saw that photo with the what looked like marble sized peach and they call it a whammy of unexpected weather but they wouldn't touch a grand solar minimum intensification with a ten-foot pole destroying most of the peach crop in the southeast us they're just focusing on Georgia they forgot about the record floods in Arkansas that took out one-quarter of the rice crop so they stayed focused on the Georgia peach crop but the fruit across the US and Europe was just a disaster.



This year those of you in the stores I'm sure you're seeing higher prices in front of your very eyes jumping over to Europe let's look at the hail these atmospheric compression events are absolutely starting to multiply across this planet as well as the severity and intense keeps increasing as well now we're looking at this frost damage in North Dakota South Dakota but remember this was just a day before July where the corn actually froze on the stalks three days before the beginning of July extremely cold and at the same time drought conditions taking a look at North Dakota here the frost to damage and you can get a gauge those plants they're not going to really recover if they do they're going to look something very similar to this.




thanks Lee for taking the images and putting them up I do appreciate it that's incredible work right there that we can really get a visual on what the conditions are like in the recovery of these plants also the corn studded growth absolutely and then we get into the spring wheat which was driven up all-time record prices up 30 percent over the last three months and they're still in a drought through that whole western part of the United States extending up into Canada because weather just doesn't know there's a border on a continent chickpeas parched to say the least that yields going to be incredibly low and a quick shout out the outdoor emcee.




thanks for reposting my video here of the Dakotas having record cold temperatures 15 20 below normal temperatures but the news wouldn't even touch it they were focused on one degree over somewhere in the East Coast when I did that video but see how dry those plants are and it was slammed with cold then we get into Ohio now I had some reports from Indiana growers saying that their corn is actually doing incredibly well this year but then there's other areas of Indiana that are absolutely not coming in anywhere close to being harvestable




when we get up into the latter part of the season and that old saying knee high by the fourth of July please remember that's for a horse not a human and then look how small these plants are at the moment coming up and then the hail damage that's coming down across with the ferocious winds and when you see scenes like this in the farming communities across the United States where it's not mega drought it's mega flood and we start to copy and paste these same situations and same scenarios globally.



If you're over in Asia it's the same conditions Australia's been pelted with exceptionally cold record cold beginning to their winter right now all-time records for cold being broken in the western part of Australia but heat records being broken in the East it shows that diametric opposite as well as New Zealand pounded with record cold cutoff with snow already but this is just a glimpse of what's out there in the media that they only focus on for milliseconds really or they don't even cover it and all I can possibly say is our food prices are going up at the end of the year and I do thank you for watching I hope it gives you some heads up that you're going to need to start getting food right now while you can while it's cheap.

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Video Link :June 2017 Crop Losses You Didn't Hear About